Welcome to the site

Welcome to Big Al's Trading Journal in which I hope to write a regular (hopefully daily) account of my amateur spread betting adventures...

As of December 2010 I have been spread betting for about 7-8 months;  recently I decided to start a blog to share my experiences  in the precarious but extremely interesting world of spread betting/trading.

I hope it will be of some interest (and use) to both beginners and those with more experience than myself. The blog will be pretty much 'warts and all' and will detail all the ups and downs as the weeks and months progress.

Although I have only been trading a short while I have, as you can imagine, made many mistakes; it is a very steep learning curve, and will continue to be so for some while yet. Hopefully, providing I can survive the months ahead, you will learn and benefit from these mistakes.

I hope you find the site useful in some way; here's to many months and years of successful trading...

Alan Leak

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